Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ways to Recycle

Hello Again,
In this post here are some helpful tips to recycle.
Grap a bunch of friends and do this:
-Plant a Garden. Trees and plants help decrease CO2 in the environment, and they're pretty! Remind people the beauty of a green planet by rallying them into planting a community garden. For added energy efficiency and fun, plant veggies and flowers. And remember: Fresh food always tastes better!
-Flex those vocal cords! Go to your local city hall and demand that they print city documents on recycled paper. Write letters, make calls, recruit your friends and their friends and friends of their friends.
-Sell or swap items made of recycled goods. Designate a day when you'll all get together to make some stuff, and then have a recycled craft fair. You'd be surprised how much you can make-like bird feeders or flower holders fashioned out of plastic bottles. The sky's the limit!
Things you can do with your family:
-Get your famz in the recycling mix. Make it easy for your family to seperate garbage by setting up the correct bins for paper, plastic, and metal. A lot of people don't recycle because it's not convenient-make it convenient!
-School 'Em. On the importance of conserving energy and water. Show them the facts(my last post) and how small steps can make a difference-like turning down the thermastat a few degrees, taking shorter showers, shutting the water off when they brush their teeth. Every small gesture matters! Then post cute reminders around the house-like post it notes (made of recycled paper, thank you) on the bathroom mirror and refridgerator door.
-Have a family craft night! Using recycled materials. Teach 'em the million and one cool things you can make with old cardboard milk cartons!
-Have a green dinner! Opt for organic, free range chicken or organic pasta, and veggies from your local farmer's market. And if that doesn't sound appetizing, try organic mac and cheese. Yes, it does exist! Be sure to look for organic labels and try to include as many fresh, local products as possible.
At school or church:
-Start a club! Does your school have a club to combat global warming? If not, start one. Students can push the administration to make the school greener or more energy efficient. You can even get people together from you church to see how it can cut down its carbon footprint. Then approach your priest with your ideas.
-Think and do! Where do you spend your time? Go there and help come up with ways to recycle. Walk through your place of worship after a function and see all the waste that's produced. Get your youth group to collect the water and soda bottles, then recycle them. Not only will you be doing a good deed, but you'll also be making people aware of the importance of recycling.
-Post it up! Ask your church and/or school administration if you and your friends can use some bulliten board space to put up a display about going green. Include facts, ways to make a difference, and info on local recycling times and locations. Show 'em that every little bit counts!
See there are many ways you can help use some or all of these tips to help save the planet. Remember every little thing you do to help counts. Even just recycling one item can help. Post comments on more tips to help recycle! My next post will be great gift ideas for your man to get you so tell him to look at this blog!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Hey All,
Recycling is a really important thing, and not recycling is one of the reasons causing global warming! Here are some facts about recycling:
-The average American uses 650 pounds of paper each year. 100 MILLION TONS of wood can be saved each year if all that paper was actually recycled.
-About 80% of what Americans throw away each year is not recycable, yet our recycling rate is only 28%.
-Americans use 2.5 MILLION plastic bottles every hour! Most of them are thrown away...
-Everymonth Americans throw away enough glass bottles and jars to fill up a giant skyscraper(think: Empire State Building). All these jars are recycable!
-Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures a year! Ever heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? It's twice the size of Texas (my home state) and is floating somewhere between San Francisco and Hawaii. Its also 80 percent plastic, and weighs in 3.5 million tons.
-Recycling one ton (about 2,000 pounds) of paper saves 17 trees, 2 barrells of oil(enough to run the average car for 1,260 mile), 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for six months), 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space, and 60 pounds of pollution.
-The 17 trees saved by recycling a ton of paper can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year.
-If all our newspapers were recycled, we could save about 250 millions trees each year! If every American recycled just one-tenth(that's one out of ten)of their newspapers, we could save about 25 MILLION trees a year.
-More than 20,000,000 Hershey's Kisses are wrapped each day, using 133 square miles of aluminum foil. Believe it not, ALL that foil is recycable, but not that many people realize it so most it goes in the trash!
-Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours- or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline. In spite of this, Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild our entire commericial fleet of airplanes every three months!
-A typical family consumes 182 gallons of pop(aka soda), 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk, and 26 gallons of bottled water a year! Thats a lot of containers-make sure they're recycled!
I bet most of you didn't know this. I didn't know it either! We need to do something. My next post will be ways to help recycle. So check in tommorow! I give a BIG thanks to dosomething.org for these facts. This is where I'm getting all my information. So check that website out one day and even become a member. It's one of the greatest website ever! Leave comments!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mixed Religions??

I just got done reading this article in CosmoGirl about how American teenagers are starting to believe in one religion. I'm not sure if I oppose or go for it. I know I only believe in Christianity but I don't discriminate people for believing in other religions. But what if my Christian friends start believing in Budhism. I mean lets say your a Christian right? Your best friend in the whole entire world is a Christian. You believe in God and only God. Your friend comes up to you one day and says I think I believe in Hindu. What would you do? I'm kind of confused on what to think about it either. Here are some stats that they pointed out in this article:
-81% of adults identify themselves with one religion
-72% of girls say they're religious
-25% of girls say they follow their own mix of religious and spiritual beliefs
-51% of girls don't regularly visit a place of worship
What do guys think about this? Do you think this would help or hurt a person with mixed religious beliefs?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bored out of my everloving mind.

Save me.

Comments are appreciated but the haterz better back off!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'm bored.

Hello readers-
I finally finished unpacking my room! I'm so happy. It looks great its so cozy. Yesterday I spent all day hanging out my friend Cheyenne. She's really cool. We went to the General Granbury festival. It was fun. I went back to the festival today with my Aunt Debbi, Coley, and Zac. We rode the rides first. My brother and I went on the ride where it spends so fast you lose gravity and you lift up. Then I went on the Tilt-A-Whirl with Coley and he's only 8 so he got a little scared so he had his eyes closed and his head on my shoulder the whole time. Then we went to a fun house and Coley ran into a mirror because it was so confusing haha! Then we did bumper cars. I'm a good driver, let me tell you. And then we went down these huge slides and it was scary. I thought it was going to be all babyish but it was crazy. Haha! Then I got the pink Chanel purse I wanted. It was a knock-off for only $50! So I just memorized my bible verse for school tommorow:
But we commend ourselves as ministers of God. By the word of truth, the power of God, by the weapon of rightiousness in the right hand and in the left.-2 Corinthians 6:4-7

Friday, March 28, 2008

Okay so I think I like this guy.

His name is Nick. I can't tell if I like him or not. I mean he isn't drop dead gorgeous but there's something about him that I really like. I mean his eyes are completly amazing. A lot of people think he is a nerd but I don't know. It's the weirdest kind of crush that I've ever had. His personality is great so maybe that's it. All the girls are like, who do you like? And I say nobody because they're probably gross out if they found out I liked Nick.

Friend wise everythings been going good. I have a wide variety of friends from 6th grade all the way to 10th grade. Some really good friends that I made are Shannon and Cheyenne. They're really cool. I don't know about Bailey though. I don't think she likes me. She doesn't talk to me that much. I feel really bad for the other new girl though because she doesn't try to hang out with us girls. She's kind of out there, you know? She was homeschooled her whole life so she's probably not the most outgoing girl in the world but I don't know, she should get out just a little bit more. See ya!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My first day at CCA

     Today was my very first day as a student at Cornerstone Christian Academy. I'd have to say it only was okay. A little bit confusing, okay WAY bit confusing. When I first got there no one really even bothered to talk to me so I just kind of stood around by myself as the whole class chit-chatted together. There was one girl named Bailey Blackmen that I knew from a few years back who did not once bother to come and say hi to me. Everyone else started to get nicer though but let me tell you, I really wanted the day to be over. I was so confused on where to go and I kind of was left out by myself sometimes but things were okay and I made a few friends. 
          I'm going to go up to Bailey myself tomorrow and talk to her since she wasn't kind enough to come up and talk to me. My mom says that she was just too shy or jealous that she was losing her place as most beautiful girl in the school. I'd rather her be too shy because I really don't want drama. I can't help if I'm beautiful, can I? I have to wear a uniform that isn't drop-dead gorgeous anyways. Well I'm out. Peace!

Monday, March 24, 2008


I'm back in Texas. Yesterday was Easter and I had so much fun. I went on an easter egg hunt and in each egg there was money in it.I got about $16. In my easter basket I got pajamas, candy, and a bag full of Clinique make up. Today I went shopping for my school uniforms. I look like a complete nerd but so will everybody else, haha. Tommorow I'm going to wear white knee-highs with my converse, then my kahki skirt with my modesty shorts underneath, and my green polo. Exciting huh? I'm also going to wear a plaid head band just to spice it up a bit. Atleast I'll have my converse to help me be myself. So right now I'm just kicking it with my grandparents poodle Lola typing away on my laptop by myself. It's quite peaceful. The inside of my is screaming and nevrvouse and scared because I have to start my new school tommorow but the outside of me is strong and hard as a rock. I want to just scream it out but it would be weird.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

ear infection

I think I have an ear infection because my ear hurts so bad! Luckily I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. My mom told me if your on an airplane and you have an ear infection it could burst so I don't want to take any chances. Today my dad, sister, and brother went on a hike. It was okay at first but I started getting tired because the trail went on fooooorrrreeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrr. But we got to go to Dairy Queen afterwards and I got an Oreo Mint Blizzard. It was so good. It's making my mouth water :). So now I'm pretty bored just kind of doing what ever. So what did you think of Top Model last night. That one girl should not have gotten kicked off, I LOVED her. That girl that looks like Iman should have, or that plus size girl because they're both brats. Just like some of you haters! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Outfit?

Hello Readers,
So I realized Easter is on Sunday and I have no idea what to wear. Sunday is the day I go home from Colorado and also is when I'm celebrating Easter with my family in Texas so I want to look nice. I was thinking about wearing a real casual yellow dress I bought from American Eagle. The thing is I don't know if I should wear it with black tights or not. I really don't want to to but it's going to be cold because it's Colorado. So should I go with or without the black tights? Anyways my ear is hurting really bad right now and I might have an ear infection but I guess I'm going to have to wait until Monday to go to the doctor. Ugh! Well that's it for me today. See ya!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I suck at it! I never want to play that freaking game again. I wish they would stop making it and take it away from anyone who owns one. AHHHHH! I'm so pissed. I don't even feel like talking and my dad's all like its okay its just a game. NO ITS NOT!

Monday, March 17, 2008

St.Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's day all you readers! I hope your wearing green. 

Sunday, March 16, 2008

long day in tx/co

I'm in Colorado finally! It's been a long day and I am so tired. My morning started off with church and then we got Chicken Express. Then we packed up and left for the airport. My baby sister was screaming her head off so I was really stressing out their. Then when we got to the airport my mom got mad at me because I was too snappy, that's because I didn't want to be late for my flight. When we made it on I spelled water on myself during the middle of the flight so I looked like I peed me pants. But now I'm at my dad's and I'm all comfy in my PJ's typing this while it's snowing outside! Well, I'm getting sleepy! 

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Yesterday was my last day at school with my friends. I'm really sad. Everyone gave me flowers, gifts, and A LOT of HUGS! It's sad to think about though because some of those kids I most likely will never see them again. I really miss them but Granbury is great. The house is amazing and we have so much land it's not even funny and we live on a lake too! We might even get a pool. So if any of you feel like trashing me I don't care. You seriously think your making me feel bad and it only makes me stronger because you just wasting a ton of time trying to put me down. Think about it. Yeah I'm a middle schooler but I'm also very wise ALSO with a 4.0 grade average thank you very much. I'm probably smarter than half the people on here.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

America's Next Top Model

What did you guys think of it last night? I thought it was pretty gruesome. Raw meat? Ew. Haha! And David Hernandez should not have been voted off American Idol, I couldn't stand that one country girl. She just bugs me. I don't know what it is about her. So tell me your rants and raves about any TV show that was on last night. Because most likely I watched it being sick in bed.

So I went to school today even though I still feel gross. Now my ears are starting to bug me. What have I done to deserve this sickness again?! Haha. So tommorows my last day at school. In theatre we made a puppet show about Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo. Kind of like a modern version of Romeo and Juliet. Pretty cheese, right? It was cool though. I got out of having to do the cooking lab at school since I'm moving and have tonsilitus. I can not tell you how crappy I feel. I went to the orthodontist today and I only have two more appointments until I get my braces off! I'm so happy because to tell you the truth these braces aren't really helping my modeling career. Well I'm off to go pack my bags for Colorado!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Okay some girls on here seem to really go for holding grudges. There's this one little quote I absolutley LOVE and it's called-GET OVER IT! Thanks.

So anyways I have tonsilitus right now and I feel like crap. My throat and head hurt so bad. My doctor says if it doesn't get better then I have to get my tonsils taken out. I think it's getting better though. Right now I'm taking amoxicillin, a numbing medication, a sleep medication, a cough medication, neosporne, and the thankful tylenol. Lolz! So for the past two days I've been lying in bed reading, and watching America's Next Top Model, Rock of Love, Full House, Gossip Girl, What I Like About You, Degrassi, One on One, and Saved By the Bell. Fun, huh? I really don't have much to write since I haven't been doing anything interesting. So I'm going to stop. Anyways I have a project do today so I better go finish it. I wonder if we have any rubber cement......

Thursday, March 6, 2008


You know who's the ugliest girl in the whole entire universe? Alex Gardner. I don't see why people think she is all beautiful. She's already a fake wanna be. She's going to be one of those girls who gets plastic surgery and ends up looking like Pamela Anderson or Dolly Parton. I mean have you seen her hair? FAKE, FAKE,FAKE! Atleast I have natural beauty. She looks like a Mexican with SUPER blonde hair. Like if she shaved it off her face would look like a monkey. So yeah that's people think is pretty these days FAKE HAIR! What ev.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Listen up again 'know it alls'

Okay obviously I am not a 40 year old man because I have pictures of myself on here. And I could care less what you think because it's MY blog and YOU don't tell me what to do. And if I was some sort of freak, predator person I would be posting porn or something on here which I'm not, and I'm also talking about my LIFE idiots. I seriously wish you could go find something better to do than bully a 13 year old. It's called cyber bullying. Read about it sometime. So anyways for people nice on here:

I went to the Jonas Brothers concert last night. They were amazing. I'm in LOVE with Nick Jonas. He sang this beautiful song about him suffering from diabetes. They are some seriously talented boys. They can play the guitar, piano, and drums. And did I mention they're HAWT. I will post pics as soon as I can! Also for all you Texans today was the TAKS test. I think most people took the writing. I feel really confident about it, I wrote about the time I almost got died on a ATV. I mean come on people are interested in that! Haha, Jk. So tell me whats up? And I'm not gonna waste anymore time talking about the haterz on here. They're just jealous. I mean if I was someone else I would be. Haha! And don't say I'm cocky or something because a girl's gotta have self confidence!

Peace. Love you all!


Monday, March 3, 2008

Okay listen up skanks who commented my sensational inspirational blog



So today was so-so. Really nothing interesting happened. What was a shocker though is that Syndey and Ryan are dating. Crazy, huh? Honestly I thought he would say no because he took so long to answer. If only my love would ask me out. So yeah.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Two sets of beautifully excuted ads, two sets of inspiration.

The first is Nina Ricci. I love the whole look this Spring/Summer. The girly feathers with sort of a tough vibe, the colors are intriguing, almost muted but still bright.

Nina Ricci S/S 'o8:

The second is Pringle of Scotland. This look just feels so earthy and casual-cool tome. I love it.

Pringle of Scotland S/S 'o8:
And yes, Karlie Kloss(one of my favorite models)is in both.

Friday, February 29, 2008

the birthday gurl is booooored

So yeah yesterday was my birthday. I got a throat infection. Just my luck, right? Atleast I don't have to go to school today! My party's tonight! YAY ME!!!

Happy Birthday, Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fall '08 Collections and the Girl Who Could Pull Them Off.

Matthew Williamson's Fall Collection with Emilio Pucci was amazingly luscious! The juicy pops of all the colors, the insane pattern on the parka, and the snappy tights are undeniably cool.

Yulia, with her colorful style, totally suits these looks...


age: 19

Where do you shop? thrift shops mostly. Like 80 % of my clothes come from their. I also wear my mom's old stuff. And when it comes to stores/brands, I like Cropp Town for accesories, Tallie Weijhl for funky colors and Pink for.....everything.

What is fashion to you? It may sounds cliche but to me fashion is a way to express myself. And it's definitly some kind of addiction too.

What inspires you? My dad's old vinyl records.

Monday, February 25, 2008

School and house hunting

So, we went up to Granbury this weekend. I found THE coolest house. It's a one-story and 4 bedroom but it's pretty tight. It has a huge backyard, a ginormous garage where we're going to turn 1/3 of it into a play room, my room is great, I have a BIG closet and a BIG bathroom, plus I'm not that far from my family.

Today we went looking at schools. I really like Cornerstone Christian Academy. It doesn't look great on the outside but it's pretty cool on the inside. It has high education, you have a variety of uniforms you can wear, the people who work there are nice, and they have CHEERLEADING!!! I was so happy. I can't cheer this year because it's too late but try-outs are in May. The cool thing is they're getting into competitive and I have such a passion for competition cheerleading it will be great. GMS wasn't that bad I mean the workers were nice and the school was big but I'm more of prep than a public. Haha that doesn't make since.

I also check out Gym Kats. It's a small gym but it's decorated cool. I think I'll be pretty good because the coach was all excited that I had my backhandspring on the trampoline when I'm working on my HALF! Amatuers, JK! So Granbury doesn't sound that bad after all. Yes, I'll miss my friends but they can always come and visit!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Like a Rhinestone Cow(girl)boy

Do not be fooled. Despite that fact that I am or actually enslaved to fashion, I grew up in a land very far away from fashion civilization(although with help of a stylish mother,I learned to cope through thrift stores). As a child, I eagerly gathered eggs from the henhouse, went fishing, and played in fields. I can count baby chicks, a miniature horse, a lamb, and a pot belly pig as pets from my past. Rodeo grounds were a block from my school. Naturally, a small part of me has a charm for western clothes--and fashion. While I understand that cowboy boots had a peak of popularity when Sienna Miller started the fashion 'boho-chic'(what a hyphenate)spell,I have been having a yearning for my beat up black cowboy boots lately. Without them being in reach, I pursued a website called BootBarn.com, and discovered that standard cowboy boot's softer, girlier, side saddle riding cousin:The Roper Boot.
With a tapered toe and shorter style, these boots seem more flirty than farmhand--plus, this pair is red! The ones pictured above are Justin Brand, from bootbarn.com(yes, I am serious.) Lucky for me, there are western stores left and right for me to pursue my cowgirl dreams, sans shipping a regular prices. It makes me want to go frolic on the river bank! I imagine the crimson boot adding some thoughness to spring's swingy, high-hemmed floral numbers, or perhaps denim tucked down in them for a cool colored vibe!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

my mother is a retard

Good bye by fabulous life. My mom is making me move to the town of doom. Here is a list of my comparisons of doomsville and allen.

  • Allen-5 gazillion friends; doomvile-1
  • allen-popular;doomsville-nerdy
  • allen-good angelic students;doomsville-dumb bad drugusing losers of students
  • allen-cheerleading;doomsville-nothing, nada, zip

That is my list. Which place would you rather live?


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I love stars. I don't know what it is but I draw them on everything and fill up all my math pages with them, have thermal star printed pajamas, adore the undulating swirls in the painting Starry Night, was obsessed with drawing star gowns(a design I did during camp one year-a bodice with star cutouts and then a floor length chiffony bottom), and I even went by the nickname star for a year. So when I was browsing the detail photos on Style.com and kept seeing star designs on shoes and dresses I thought to my self "I so predicted this trend."

Chanel, John Charles de Chasabac, Yves Saint Laurent.

Yves Saint Laurent, Emilio Pucci.

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

Louis Vuitton.

Clutch from Lulu's Fashion Lounge, necklace from Urban Outfitters, Nude and black dress from Net-A-Porter, scarf and dress from Topshop, Silver earrings from Tiffany's, jacket from Viktor&Rolf, gold earrings from Barney's, blue tunic from Asos, Yellow cluth from Net-A-Porter.

On Wednesday my school took a trip to New York City where we went to Hard Rock Hotel and saw Mary Poppins on Broadway. I loved seeing Mary Poppins because I remembered all the songs like Spoon Full of Sugar when I was little, and I thought the sets were so intricatly done. At the end the actress that played Mary Poppins flew right over are seats! On Thursday we went into the city again, this time to Lower East Side. Normally when I visit the city a stay overnight a few days and frequent BloomingDales, Barneys, amd H &M as well as my favorite store, ABC Home and carpet. Every time I enter that place it's like sensory overload, all the jeweled and sequined Indian pillows, the fake flowers that cover a whole wall near an elevator, all the gauzy fabrics and beautiful couches and chairs. Unfortanitly it's very expensive, a guidebook I read called it "the Boogdorfs of home furnishing." But I supposed I could live vigourously through my parents expenses.

Anyway this class trip we entered an area I'm not very familiar with, Chinatown and Little Italy. After eating at a dumpling restaurant my friends were sent with a guide to go on a "noshing tour" off the area, sampling kosher pickles, taffy, fried rose petals, chinese snacks, canoli's, italian cheese and more.
Thursay evening my school group got ready to leave but my mom picked me up in a taxi before the group and the took me to the hotel to meet up with my sister and my dad. We spent two days shopping, and eating at ABC home and Carpa's delicious restaurant. I bought a lovely vintage maxi dress, a very 40's red mini dress with pleats and fluttery sleeves, and some purple tights as mine ripped again! I hope you enjoyed the photos and blurbs of my week!

Monday, February 18, 2008


So my mom and Randy got a divorce again! Big surprise. Oh well we'll live with out him. I hope you liked all the pictures in the last post. I put a lot of work getting it all together. So I have to tell you this really funny story!

So Jake went to Amsterdam with his family. The didn't know a lot about the culture and one thing they needed to know was that prostitutes in Amsterdam wore red pants. Atleast his grandma needed to know. She was wearing red sweats. So 60 men started following her.......and then they knew!

I hope you liked my story. Well tata. Oh I forgot depression. Ecccccckkkk I'm too lazy maybe another time!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

whimsical inspiration

This post comes a day early but I won't have time to post in the morning 2/14/08 because I will be in NYC. I don't care if its halmark-ized, Valentine's Day is the best excuse to wear ludicrously girly outfits and eat lots of Lindt chocolate and candy hearts.

Alessandro De Aqua/Dior

The bouidor look was all over the runways although most notably at Jovovich Hawk, BCBG Max Azria, and Marc Jacobs. It's all about being undone with bra straps and even underwear showing. For real life interpretation let a lacy, ruffly slip peek out from under a dress and look for tops with a corset type shape.

Alexa Rossete Top, $29.50, Delia*s

Thanks to the modern Marie I've finally check out Eleni's Bakery. These adorable cookie sets are available for $59.

Oh by the way I read a very cute idea in Domino magazine, to grow a flower out of a perfume bottlewith a stopper. I don't have a picture but it looked so Parisian and chic.bas

Valentine's Day Playlist
1. Way Back into Love (Demo) Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore

2.All You Need Is Love: The Beatles

3.If You Find Yourself Caught In Love:Belle and Sebastion

4.Think I'm In Love:Beck

5.I Wish I Could've Loved You More:Payne

6.Where Is My Love?:Cat Power

7.Strange Love:Depeche Mode

8.I Don't Want Your Love:Duran Duran

9.Modern Love:David Bowie

10.To Your Love:Fiona Apple

11.Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town:The Killers

12.Dance Me to the End of Love:Madeleine Peyroux

13.Signs of Love:Moby

14.I Was a Lover:TV On the Radio

15.You Don't Know What Love is(Just Do WhatYour Told):The White Stripes

Saturday, February 16, 2008

when you look me in the eyes

So I'm back at Granbury again. My grandma is doing well. She looks great! Like she has a totally new hip and she's wearing all her make up and has her hair done and everything. I'm so surprised.I didn't expect her to be all like herself again.

I'm kinda sorta bored.It's been cloudy all day, a little rain but no severe weather. Sometimes I like it when it storms. Ecspecially at school, I don't know why though. I'm weird like that. So right now me, my grandma, and my little sister are watching Project Runway. My grandpa's making fun of all the gay guys. Haha, it's funny!!! Well I'm bored.


Friday, February 15, 2008

l'amour de la nudite

nudity is an arguable topic in today's society. many people frown upon it, but once it was considered beautiful. and it should be. theres nothing wrong with the human body. showing it in bare in such elegance can be gorgeous. its human anatomy. the way you were formed youself. The naturalness of it all attracts me. Its an art form. every curve, crevice and wrinkle. I don't understand how I could be so horrible. Everyone should understand the grace and beauty of being stark naked.

to understand this, I suggest you not shy away from nudity and yourself. It's not a bad thing. Its beautiful.

amour et sejous beau.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

its over

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to end this blog. Too many people from my school have seen it and this may sound stupid but, i really just want to keep this part of myself private. And yes i know the internet is not the greatest place for privacy (so don't lecture), but i still enjoy blogging and getting to read the blogs of others.

so ive decided to start fresh. im making a new blog, with a different name but similair postings. only this time they won't be read by my family and friends. So if you'd like to find out the name/adress, just ask in a comment (sorry, this excludes Anonymouses-ecspecially the ones who seem to have a problem with me!) and I'll find a way to tell you.

Bye for now, blogging world....

Edit: I'm deleting all comments with email addresses, but I saved the addresses so I can email you when I make the blog! Thanks for all the loves guys! =)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Like I'll Never See You Again

So, hello all! I'm so excited about cheerleading try-outs. A little nervous but excited! I don't wanna jinx anything so I'm going to stop talking about it. I'm so happy Allie and Tyler broke up and Allie keeps on giving me dirty looks so that would be so awesome if Tyler liked me back or something and here's my dream on Valentines Day:
Tyler comes up to me and goes hey and i go hey and he goes you look really beautiful today. wow, thanks ill say and then he well go okay this may sound strange but im completly inlove with you and ive always wanted to be your boyfriend and my world would be complete with you! and ill go i really like you too and then well kiss and well go running off in the sunset holding hands. the end.....
okay back to reality. i know what your thinking but a girl can dream right??? well i guess ill be going!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

another tanget

My friends forced me to put my hair in a side part, which gives me bangs. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but a (normal!) boy asked me for my number on Friday so I think I might keep it that way for now. What do you think?

Sorry about the crap pictures, I'll try to take some better one's soon. And my facial expression-you can see my completly lovely gap in me teeth since it's before my braces..Ugh, I look so gross I should probably just wear my bangs down like this:

Cousin It much?

Saturday, February 9, 2008


So I'm in Colorado visiting my dad right now. I'm having so much fun. It's too bad I'm only staying for a weekend. So since my birthday is in like 20 days I'm celebrating it early here and I got a black empire waist shirt, a black punkish t-shirt, a bracelet that says "angel" on it, a necklace that says "faith" on it, aeropostale jeans, a orange and brown tote, blue and green t-shirts, plaid shorts, cute underwear, a hannah montana doll, flipflops, two bead necklaces, a purple hair dry, two pairs of skinny jeans, two tank tops, a long sleeve red shirt, a really cute hippish top, dkny perfume, and a yellow empire waist top. So I pretty much scored!

We went up to the mountains to check out ski resorts and we saw this really cool one where we're going to take snowboarding lessons at. It's going to be fun. If you have any tips that would be helpful!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Okay today was like seriously boring. School we got to disect an eye i took pics but i cant send them to my email on my phone for some weird reason. i swear to gawd that into the woods is by far the greatest play/musical ive ever seen! we're watching it in theatre arts and it definitly the shiiiiizzzzzzzz.

So tumbling was normal. i have my round off backhandspring i just need to do it by myself. IM TRYING STOP PUTTING PRESSURE ON ME! lolz jk. soooooo myyearbook is really a bad website. i joined it and after like one day i was getting messages from these weirdos telling me they wanted to go out with me! i recommend not joining it unless ur looking for online dating


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dark Dressing

Ugh, this is turning out to be such a hectic week! I'm doing cheerleading or something cheerleading related every day, with two full day practices on the weekend. *dies*

I wore this outfit on Sunday. I was definitly influenced by the grungy, rock chick look of Alexander Wang's colletion-not the most original look by far, but one thats a pretty signifigant change from what I normally wear.

Its funny, though-I wear so many bright or clashing colors that all these black and gray seem rather odd to me. I guess I'm not cut out to be a Olsen twin (triplet?) after all. Darn?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Boo the medical world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boo the whole freaking entire medical world! I can't see my mom until Friday because of them. I don't even wanna talk to HER. The stupid hospital won't let CHILDREN SEE THEIR MOM'S. I'm freaking 13 years old. It's not like I'm gonna go to the hospital and touch everything. UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm going to freaking sue them! HEAR ME OUT ANYONE WHO WORKS AT A HOSPITAL YOU MIGHT BE GETTING SUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Monday, February 4, 2008

time to visit the relatives

While checking my (overflowing) email, I found that TopShop kindly notified me about their Spring Lookbook. I decided to check it out and was quite impressed by their summaries of what they deemed their four central spring trends. Obviously, it was all information I had already heard, but I found it pretty enjoyable to see a trend forcast that didn't lump looks together under catagories like "Brights", or "Menswears", or (*shudder*) "Nautical." This is why Europeans are always so much better dressed.........................

But anyways, I decided to do a little experiment of my own and find the runway origins of each look. Being relativly new to the vast world of fashion, I still find the "trickle down" of the runway looks to be quite fascinating. So indulge (or ignore) as I present to you the spring/summer 08 trends, TopShop style:

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Hey Yall,
So I've seen some people's blogs like Strawberry Milkshake and they had some really cool layouts that you can't get on here. So if any one knows how, please and thankyou!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Me plus Nick Jonas 4 eva!

Hey everyone,
So I went to a Jonas Brothers concert last weekend and I won a contest to hang out with Nick Jonas for the weekend. The first day we went hung out at Beverly Hills and he surprised me saying we were going to a movie premiere together. So I bought a dress and now there's going to be a picture of us together in OK Magazine on the red carpet. The next day we went 4 wheel riding it was awesome because Joe and Kevin were there too. Then are last day together we hung out at the beach just the two of us and he leaned over and kissed me! AWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHH! And now were going out.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hakkunah Mattatta

Hello Earthlings,

So today was well, let's just say BORING! I mean yeah school is supposed to be "fun" or what ev but yeah. So anyways Theatre Arts was fun as usual. I love it actually. We played a game kinda like musical chairs except you had to do it like stage wise (Center left, down right, ect.). Skills for living was pretty cool we had to do these skits and then we had to interview people and OF COURSE I got stuck interviewing the teacher. Oh well, she has great taste in fashion. I asked her what her fave pair of shoes were and she said her Chanel flats! How cool! Well I'm like soooo bored.I'm babysitting my 4 month old sister and luckily she's sleeping on my bed so I have FREEDOM. It's so funny cuz she snores.

Well my friend Sydders started this rumor about HERSELF saying she was pregnant and everyone believed her. It was so funny playing along with it though. I was all like "Don't bend over your pregnant" hahaha it was funny. So I was talking on the phone with her and she said we might not have to go to school tommorow because it's supposed to freeze over. I don't wanna go to school so hopefully it will. Here's a little pics I found on the internet.

Monday, January 28, 2008

There's this little witch named Allie.

Once a upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Alex. She and Prince Tyler fell inlove with each other. They never officialy married though. Princess Alex's locker was next to her new friend Allie's. They became friends. While they were walking through the hall way though Allie asked where her husband was. Princess Alex was curious and asked who is this husband of yours? She thought it was Sir Justin Kyle Allie's former husband. Allie says no and *gasp* she said she married Prince Tyler AKA kidnapped him. Prince Tyler came running up to me screaming save me my love Allie is going to take me away and marry me. I'm sorry Prince Tyler she has already married you. Now princess Alex is in her bed chamber crying and eating Madam Debbie's chocolate cupcakes watching re runs of Midevils top model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tyler and the movies!

Okay,I know I keep going on and on and on and on about Tyler but I'm like obsessed with him, and ticked cuz he just totally bailed on me yesterday. On Friday he said he wanted to go to the movies with us so we said we would call him tommorow, ALL DAY he didn't pick up and when someone finally picked up he was playing outside then we called again, he said he would ask his mom if he could go to the movies and then he would call us back. He didn't so we called again and his annoyed mom said he went over to a friends house! ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Tyler won't answer his phone! I'm madly inlove with him but I'm also madly pissed at him because I told him I would call him later and he said okay but he's not answering his phone! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MEHEARRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

caught green handed

So, I'm sooooooo surprised that I haven't gotten in trouble ALL week by my parents. I don't feel like typing all the details of my Angelistic week, but if you wanna know how I haven't gotten in trouble feel free to ask! So since I'm not grounded, I can't do anything this weekend cuz i don't get my license for another 3 years, which atleast I hope I get it on my 16th b-day.

U wanna know wat I'm doing 2 nite w/ my friends? Tumbling at ASI's open gym-the most bleepin fun thing 2 do on a friday. Yup, your totally dying 4 my social life. You can spill it out. So here's some pics of a photo shoot i made w/ my friend, complete with THE model poses of today.
Bet you can't say hawt 10 times fast w/ out sounding like an idiot!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Daily Diet/Health Routine

Hey everyone,
So since I already talked about my skin care routine, I may as well tell you about my health and dieting ways. Since I'm almost 13, 5'6 I want to keep my range between 95-120 pounds. I don't ever diet, because like in those Weight Watcher's commercials DIETS DON'T WORK so I'm not teaching girls my age to diet. I'm lucky to say that no one has ever made fun of my weight so this is for girls who have been made fun of or are about to because they think they're gaining.

It's really easy to maintain a good weight and a healthy life style with out all those calorie counting, throwing up after you eat habits. All it takes is getting used too, staying strong, and routine.

I eat 3 meals meals a day, with a snack after I come home from school. My main meals (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner) include an entree and 2 sides with a drink. It is true that eating 5-6 small meals a day helps out but I find it easier to eat three big meals and 1 snack, and it keeps me full during the day. This also keeps you from eating WAY too much. I mean how many girls have been STARVING for lunch after they had breakfast a few hours ago. This meal plan is a good way to maintain your weight, thats what will prevent escsesive gaining and losing. Except for girls who have started their period and they feel a little bloated during that time of month, which honestly I can't help you out with.

Well, I just realized I have to go do homework so happy eating!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hey guys,
I was on the internet and I found these awesome pics from a fashion show. I forgot who the designer is. I think it's, Comme Des Garcons? I'm not sure, correct me if I'm wrong.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Back from Granbury.

Today I wore:
Abercrombie jeans
Rue 21 top
Agaci Too vest
Target headband
So I'm back from Granbury sadly. I don't want to leave. But I have school tommorow and I can't miss it. So I went to Rinky Tink's today and my grandma and mom were thinking about us moving either to Florida or this place in Ft. Worth with really nice houses and the mall, and I could go to a super duper nice private school. So I wouldn't mind moving to both! Also there were these group of boys around my age or a little older and they were so cute PLUS they were checking me out. And the cute teenage waiter was checking me out too. What can I say? I'm really hot! Not to be conceited or anything but confidence is key! Well anyways I wrote two plays in 1 weekend and I performed them and everyone said they were really good! I'm so happy.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Shopping Day! Like OMG!

Whats up fellow gangstas????
Just kidding...I'm SO not gangsta material! Haha. So anways today I wore:
Nordstom's flats

Kohl's skinny jeans
Aeropostale shirt
American Eagle Dress.
So as you know I'm in Granbury right now. It's about 6:45 and my brother is at a friend's house, my grandparents are out partying so right now it's just me, my sister, and my mom. We're having a blast! Just kidding. My mom is playing with my sister and I'm typing up on my blog right now. Well, DUH!
Today was great! I got up, ate breakfast got ready blah blah blah. Then I read up on my gossip so Matthew Mconahey or however you spell his name is having a baby with his girlfrirend. Nicole Richie had her baby girl named Harlow. Ashley Tisdale talked about her nosejob. Okay so after that my grandma, mom, sister, and I went to eat at this restaraunt called the Nut House. Funny name, huh? Well the food was good but the service was HORRIBLE! We waited forever just to get our appertizers. Then we went to this place called Bella Kate where we got my little sister some cute clothes. I'm so making my sister a dancer because they have the cutest little Tu-tus there. Then we went back to the Nut House because my grandmother left her credit card there. Then we went to a store called Books On the Square. We were trying to find Harry Potter 2 for my brothers friend but they didn't have it but I got Hatchet by Gary Paulsen and some fudge haha! Then we went to Rue 21 and I got some cute clothes. I got a half sleeve top with stars on them, a white jacket with like colorful designs on them, blue sweatpants that says "love" on the butt, a blueish camisole, a jersey type of dress, and some grey leggings with designs on them! I'm so spoiled by grandmother! So thats about all that happened. If you have any questions like where the heck is Granbury? Feel free to ask!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Hey all,
Today I wore:
Claire's boots
Kohls skinny jeans
Hollister shirt
Target bracelet
Aeropostale sweatshirt
So today we had a half day! YAY! Today was my last day of gym and Technology Applications. I'm so happy it was getting so boring. So starting next Tuesday I have Theatre Arts and Skills for Living. I'm going to have a better next semester. Anyways I'm still mad at Bailey because she keeps talking about JC even though they broke up. If I was a boy I would SO not want to go out with her. She's too shy and when she's loud she's really annoying and obnoxious. So I'm in Granbury right now. I'm so happy because my grandma got me some presents and then this weekend she's taking me shopping at Rue 21. Well I'm gonna go!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

B for Bailey and Brat!

So today I wore:
Nordstrom's flats
Kohls skinny jeans
Justice tanktop
American Eagle long sleeve shirt
Helzberg diamond nechlace
green hollister sweatshirt
So yeah. Anyways I need to talk about Bailey. All she has ever spoken to me about is about he stinkin sweats. And everything else has been rude and snappy comments. She has completly changed ever since she started going to Erekson. Its driving me BANNANAS! I've had sources from Farah that Bailey is being rude and she will not stop talking abouther player of a boyfriend who keeps on looking at me when I go to Open Gym. I think this friendship is going to end soon because Bailey doesn't know how to have a lot of friends at the same time. She's slowly losing all her friends 1 by 1.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Acne Checklist

I found some stuff of acne.org that will help get rid of your acne. Here are some simple things you need to go.
Morning Routine:
-Wash face in the shower the same way you would in the sink in the evenig.
-Pat dry
-Wait 5 to 15 minutes
-Wash hands. Apply BP generously.
-Wait 5 to 15 minutes.
-Wash hands. Apply moisture lotion.
Evening Routine:
-Splash problem areas with warm water.
-Lather hands with cleansing wash or bar.
-Gently wash problem areas with hands for atleast 10 seconds.
-Pat dry.
-Wait 5 to 15 minutes.
-Wash hands. Apply BP generously.
-Wait 5 to 15 minutes.
-Wash hands. Apply moisturizer as needed. This is optional at night.
Hope it helped! Feel free to ask questions!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today I wore:
Nordstrom flats
Abercrombie leggings
Abercrombie skirt
American eagle top
Aeropostale top
Target bracelet
and a ring I got in a vending machine
Anyways today was really boring pretty much. My mom made me write thank you notes which was SO boring! We went to see Enchanted which I already saw but that movie is freaking awesome! Anyways I really like to dance, but cheerleading is my THANG, but in case I don't make the cheerleading squads I'm going to do dancing. I still can't decide between Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Lyrical, or Pointe. Opinions would be nice. So if someone ever visits this blog please comment. I LOVE getting comments. Well I'm gonna go! See ya!

Friday, January 11, 2008

World War 3!!!!!!!

I was kinda exagerrating but I have some NEWS for you. Anyways today I wore:
Forever 21 shirt
American Eagle dress
My hair down
Kohls skinny jeans
and Nordsroms flats.
So here it is Nashaela finally got what she deserved! My new people I look up to (jk) Claire and Bethany beat up NASHAELA! She didn't get too hurt but she has bruises on her legs and a patch of hair missing on her head. I'm glad I wasn't there because I would've joined in. I HATE Nashaela, wait EVERYONE hates Nasheala and Nasheala if your reading this....SCREW YOU!! NO REALLY LIKES YOU. YOUR A BRAT ANYWAYS! Sorry had to get that off my chest. Well gotta go!
Xoxo, Alley

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My new fashion part!

I decided to make a new part of my blog where I post what I wore today so so here it is:
I wore mismatching socks
Tan uggs
flare abercrombie jeans
brown hollister shirt
roxy jacket
and i wore my hair down
Now that that's done. Today was BLAH! Anyways 1st periond was a BLAST. We read this book called Murder On the Orient Express so we had a real murder investigation it was fun because we got to run around the school. And after school we had a party where we watched the movie but it was rather boring. But Tyler was looking into the room staring at me which I thought was SO cute. Anyways Sydney has been talking about going to the movies with Rachel and I all week but today she's all like well my parents said I can go but they said the movies boring! WHATEVER! She made plans with another friend I KNOW it! Sometimes she can be a real jerk, actually most of the time she is BUT she's my jerk lolz. Anyways here's the news about drama with Nashaela! She got in a fight with a girl names Kaitlyn because she was going out with Hayden to make Kaitlyn jealous and then Hayden asked Kaitlyn out WHILE he was going out with Nashaela but I still think Nashaela is a BRAT! Well that's all today.
Peace out, Alley

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Boring Day!

Hey Guys!
So nothing really interesting happened today. I went to school and now I'm at home. But anyways I just found out Tyler like Tonia. I stupid little 3'2 fake blond wanna be barbie doll with bad fashion sense and a horrible voice. UGH! I wish he liked me. I mean he might but he's not telling anybody. Oh well I'll move on anyways. But I so wish that all the fake wanna be barbie doll blondes that I HATE would just move to like the middle east and see if they make it there and if they don't oh well! They were all dumb clones. Just kidding but I still can't stand them. I mean Tonia never did anything to me but it just sucks knowing Tyler likes another one of those!!!! ARGH! Oh well....I'll move on.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hola Amigos and as!

Hey chickas! (and boys if you read this too)!
So I had to go to school 2 day blah. I tried 2 tell my mom "No, I don't think I'm well enough"! But wat ev. Anywayz I just need to add in 1 more boring thing.....WE HAD EXAMS TODAY!!! Blah. Ok so anyways at lunch T. this really cute guy I lik pretended 2 hurt his leg at lunch so he would have 2 sit by me, plus my friend R. said that he kept looking at me except he asked out a girl named M. who is such a loser face wanna be barbie but she can't because she's like 400 pounds girl. Wat ev he still has feeling 4 me. Then in 5th period P. was all like Oh Great I have to sit by A. (which is me) but then he was like jking but anywayz i got up 2 get something and he's all like where did A. go?? So i felt loved 2 day. I used 2 b M.C.'s fan (A.K.A. Miley Cyrus), but now I'm her number one hater. I went on to AOL and on the new thingie it showed a pic of her so I was like ok and I clicked on it and it showed this video of her at her concert singing and then in the middle of the song dancers swarm around her and people put a blanket on her and she goes into a secret door and then the door opens and a fake Hannah Montana comes out while the same song was playing so that also mean Miley was lip syncing! Shame on her. She should just go back 2 Tennessee. Well thats it 4 today...I'm trying 2 keep it quiet so my baby sister doesn't wake up. I have to babysit her. JOY!
                               Love, Love, and Lots of Love (but not for Miley Cyrus),

Monday, January 7, 2008


Hey homez!
Okay I admit, the whole Babushka Malahimi thing was a joke I made. I was getting ZERO comments so I tried to get them by making some crazy person comment me like I'm their biggest fan and obviously that didn't work. Oh well. So I have strepp throat. Big whoop I get it like a bajillion times a year. I wish I could get my freaking tonsils taken out. Atleast I get to miss school. But you know what is weird? My brother, sister, and me are sick. My brother has an ear infection, my sister has a cold, and I have strepp throat...DUH! So luckily for me there's an America's Next Top Model marathon on TV that will keep me entertained. By the way my dream job is to be a model. Once I get these stupid, dorky braces off, I'm going to find an agent. And if that doesn't happen when I'm 18 I'll try out for America's Next Top Model. I think I have what it takes. I'm tall, I have unique features, I'm skinny, and I'm photogenic. By the way I am going to go to college. I'm thinking some fashion school or whatever but I don't have to worry about that now. I mean GEEZ I'm only in the 7th grade. Well I'm gonna go because typing is boring me. Peace out, peepz!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thank you Bubushka Malahimi!

I would just like to thank my fan Bubushka Malahimi for the awesome comment! I'm so glad you like my blogs. If any of you have any questions for me, feel free to ask!
love, Alex

Sorry about the earlier post!

Hey Guys, 
Sorry about the earlier post. I was in a hurry. I was waiting for my friend Rachel to come over so we could go to Open Gym at ASI gymnastics. Open gym is like when you can go and practice anything you want and you can play games and stuff. So anyways when I got there Rachel, Mena, Bailey, Kelly, James, and JC were there. I mostly hung out with Bailey, Mena, Rachel, and Kelly. Until this one girl came up to me and said Kelly was talking about me behind my back saying that I'm like annoying because I supposedly keep asking Bailey if she hates me. But whatever I only met her like a few weeks ago. After that I Bailey, Rachel, Mena, Kelsey, and I are having a sleep over. Did I mention the time is 3:53 AM? Yeah I'm forcing myself to stay awake. I shouldn't be though because we're going to the mall and one of our goals is to go into the prom dress store and try on dresses without getting kicked out. Sometimes we're major trouble makers but most of the time we're good people. You just got to get to know us. So anyways I really like this guy Tyler and I found out him and his exgirlfriend Mackenzie finally broke up so if there's any advice on how I should help it out, that would be wonderful! Okay well I'm going to get to watching Bring It On 4 with Bailey and Rachel because Kelsey and Mena fell asleep!
                                          Lots of love, Alley

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hey guys!
This is my first blog. I got inspired by my english teacher when she started one so I couldn't pass up the chance.