Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ways to Recycle

Hello Again,
In this post here are some helpful tips to recycle.
Grap a bunch of friends and do this:
-Plant a Garden. Trees and plants help decrease CO2 in the environment, and they're pretty! Remind people the beauty of a green planet by rallying them into planting a community garden. For added energy efficiency and fun, plant veggies and flowers. And remember: Fresh food always tastes better!
-Flex those vocal cords! Go to your local city hall and demand that they print city documents on recycled paper. Write letters, make calls, recruit your friends and their friends and friends of their friends.
-Sell or swap items made of recycled goods. Designate a day when you'll all get together to make some stuff, and then have a recycled craft fair. You'd be surprised how much you can make-like bird feeders or flower holders fashioned out of plastic bottles. The sky's the limit!
Things you can do with your family:
-Get your famz in the recycling mix. Make it easy for your family to seperate garbage by setting up the correct bins for paper, plastic, and metal. A lot of people don't recycle because it's not convenient-make it convenient!
-School 'Em. On the importance of conserving energy and water. Show them the facts(my last post) and how small steps can make a difference-like turning down the thermastat a few degrees, taking shorter showers, shutting the water off when they brush their teeth. Every small gesture matters! Then post cute reminders around the house-like post it notes (made of recycled paper, thank you) on the bathroom mirror and refridgerator door.
-Have a family craft night! Using recycled materials. Teach 'em the million and one cool things you can make with old cardboard milk cartons!
-Have a green dinner! Opt for organic, free range chicken or organic pasta, and veggies from your local farmer's market. And if that doesn't sound appetizing, try organic mac and cheese. Yes, it does exist! Be sure to look for organic labels and try to include as many fresh, local products as possible.
At school or church:
-Start a club! Does your school have a club to combat global warming? If not, start one. Students can push the administration to make the school greener or more energy efficient. You can even get people together from you church to see how it can cut down its carbon footprint. Then approach your priest with your ideas.
-Think and do! Where do you spend your time? Go there and help come up with ways to recycle. Walk through your place of worship after a function and see all the waste that's produced. Get your youth group to collect the water and soda bottles, then recycle them. Not only will you be doing a good deed, but you'll also be making people aware of the importance of recycling.
-Post it up! Ask your church and/or school administration if you and your friends can use some bulliten board space to put up a display about going green. Include facts, ways to make a difference, and info on local recycling times and locations. Show 'em that every little bit counts!
See there are many ways you can help use some or all of these tips to help save the planet. Remember every little thing you do to help counts. Even just recycling one item can help. Post comments on more tips to help recycle! My next post will be great gift ideas for your man to get you so tell him to look at this blog!

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