Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Listen up again 'know it alls'

Okay obviously I am not a 40 year old man because I have pictures of myself on here. And I could care less what you think because it's MY blog and YOU don't tell me what to do. And if I was some sort of freak, predator person I would be posting porn or something on here which I'm not, and I'm also talking about my LIFE idiots. I seriously wish you could go find something better to do than bully a 13 year old. It's called cyber bullying. Read about it sometime. So anyways for people nice on here:

I went to the Jonas Brothers concert last night. They were amazing. I'm in LOVE with Nick Jonas. He sang this beautiful song about him suffering from diabetes. They are some seriously talented boys. They can play the guitar, piano, and drums. And did I mention they're HAWT. I will post pics as soon as I can! Also for all you Texans today was the TAKS test. I think most people took the writing. I feel really confident about it, I wrote about the time I almost got died on a ATV. I mean come on people are interested in that! Haha, Jk. So tell me whats up? And I'm not gonna waste anymore time talking about the haterz on here. They're just jealous. I mean if I was someone else I would be. Haha! And don't say I'm cocky or something because a girl's gotta have self confidence!

Peace. Love you all!


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