Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Daily Diet/Health Routine

Hey everyone,
So since I already talked about my skin care routine, I may as well tell you about my health and dieting ways. Since I'm almost 13, 5'6 I want to keep my range between 95-120 pounds. I don't ever diet, because like in those Weight Watcher's commercials DIETS DON'T WORK so I'm not teaching girls my age to diet. I'm lucky to say that no one has ever made fun of my weight so this is for girls who have been made fun of or are about to because they think they're gaining.

It's really easy to maintain a good weight and a healthy life style with out all those calorie counting, throwing up after you eat habits. All it takes is getting used too, staying strong, and routine.

I eat 3 meals meals a day, with a snack after I come home from school. My main meals (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner) include an entree and 2 sides with a drink. It is true that eating 5-6 small meals a day helps out but I find it easier to eat three big meals and 1 snack, and it keeps me full during the day. This also keeps you from eating WAY too much. I mean how many girls have been STARVING for lunch after they had breakfast a few hours ago. This meal plan is a good way to maintain your weight, thats what will prevent escsesive gaining and losing. Except for girls who have started their period and they feel a little bloated during that time of month, which honestly I can't help you out with.

Well, I just realized I have to go do homework so happy eating!

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